It's been a while
It's been a while since my last blog post. Things have been so busy since the last show I have struggled to find time to blog. However there has been lots happening. For starters, we've done a couple more shows, signed some new customers and hired more people. On top of that SLI turned 5 [...]
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On-line shopping, off-line buying
A recent Nieslen report concluded that shoppers are been driven to brick and mortar stores through search. This makes sense and many of our customers have said that they see the same thing happening: people will use their online store to decide what they want, then go to their local store to make the purchase. [...]
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Automated subscribed link feed for Google Co-op
We're currently performing an interesting experiment with Google Co-op. For one of our customers, NZ Holiday Houses, we have automatically created a subscribed link feed using the 1000 most popular search terms used on their site search. Each subscribed link shows the most popular pages on Holiday Houses for the given keyword. We have added [...]
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Google's Related Results
Google recently confirmed that they have made a change to their interface. For certain keywords they will show 3 related results inserted into the main results. For example, here's what you see when you search for tokenize. There have been reports of this for quite some time, so Google have obviously done a reasonable amount [...]
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