The Google jet was reported to have been in New Zealand over the holidays. First they thought it was Larry and Sergey, now they think it was Eric Schmidt. The day after the story first appeared a reporter rang my brother, Grant and asked if they were in the country to buy Eurekster and if he could confirm that the Google founders were in the Christchurch. Grant told them all he knew was what he’d read in the paper that day. This was reported as Grant Ryan confirming that they were in the country.

I can confirm that because of the situation Grant was in his room all day working on some numbers…. But the situation was it was raining while we were on holiday and he was doing sudoku :-).

This just goes to show that you can’t believe everything you read in the paper. The only thing we really know is that an unidentified plane landed in Christchurch during a slow news period.

As an aside – my father thought he might have met Larry and Sergey in a pub in Arrowtown on new year’s eve. On closer questioning he might have met someone called Larry – or something like that. Things are never that clear the morning after a visit to an Arrowtown pub.