Corporate Site
SLI Systems Granted Auto Complete Patent
https://www.sli-systems.com/sli-systems-granted-auto-complete-patent…mobile devices, which have become so important for e-commerce in recent years,” said Dr. Shaun Ryan, SLI Co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer, who is listed as the inventor on the patent. Dr. Ryan added, “I’m very proud of what the team has achieved with…
Request a Demo
https://www.sli-systems.com/live-demo-registration-page-03…technology, seeing is believing, so please register for a free demo and one of our e-commerce analysts will show you how it works.” Dr. Shaun Ryan Founder Christchurch, New Zealand Request a Free Demo Enter your information below and we will contact you within 24…
How to Automate Ecommerce SEO Webinar
https://www.sli-systems.com/webinars/ecommerce-seo-webinar…are already giving you the information you need to optimize your organic rankings. You just need to harness this data. Join SLI’s experts, Shaun Ryan and Bob Angus to find out more in this ecommerce SEO webinar. You’ll learn: How artificial intelligence can…
Cache’s Kevin Metz and SLI’s Shaun Ryan on the Power of Refinements
https://www.sli-systems.com/blog/caches-kevin-metz-and-slis-shaun-ryan-on-the-power-of-refinements.htmlIf there is one key takeaway from the Internet Retailer Web Design and Usability Conference, it’s that eCommerce sites must be responsive to the increased sophistication of customers by offering better user journeys, more helpful features and creating safe, more satisfying…
SLI Systems’ CEO Takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
https://www.sli-systems.com/blog/sli-systems-ceo-takes-als-ice-bucket-challenge.htmlThere is one more celeb Silicon Valley hasn’t seen take the #ALSIceBucketChallenge yet: our very own CEO Shaun Ryan! After Kim K finally responded to her fans to take the challenge this week, Shaun knew he couldn’t let his team down. Thanks again to Nextopia for nominating…
SLI CEO Honoured
https://www.sli-systems.com/blog/sli-ceo-honoured.htmlSLI Systems CEO Dr. Shaun Ryan and his brother and co-founder Dr. Grant Ryan were named “2014 New Zealand Engineering Entrepreneurs of the Year” at the New Zealand Engineering Excellence Awards. This accolade is one of the 10 awards SLI received this year. The 10…
eCommerce Podcasts
Larry Joseloff from Shop.org - Podcast Transcript
http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/podcast-transcript-larry-joseloff-from-shop-orgBack to EcommercePodcast.com Shaun Ryan: [0:03] Hi, I'm Shaun Ryan from SLI Systems and this is the Ecommerce Podcast. Today, I'm talking with Larry Joseloff, the VP of Content from shop.org. Hi Larry. Larry Joseloff: [0:13] Hey Shaun, thank you for having me today.…
Larry Becker from The Rimm Kaufman Group - Podcast Transcript
http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/podcast-transcript-larry-becker-from-the-rimm-kaufman-grouBack to EcommercePodcast.com Shaun Ryan: [0:03] Hi. I am Shaun Ryan from SLI Systems and this is the E-commerce podcast. Today, I am speaking with Larry Becker from the Rimm-Kaufman group. Hi Larry. Larry Becker: [0:11] Hey Shaun. Thanks for having me. Shaun: [0:14]…
Mike Feiman from PoolDawg - Podcast Transcript
http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/podcast-transcript-mike-feiman-from-pooldawgBack to EcommercePodcast.com Shaun Ryan: [0:03] Hi, I'm Shaun Ryan from SLI Systems. This is the Ecommerce podcast. Today, I'm talking to Mike Feiman, director of marketing for Pooldawg. Welcome, Mike. Mike: [0:13] Feiman: How are you? Shaun: [0:13] I'm very good…