Corporate Site
Webinar: Time to Switch your Recommendations Engine Provider?…Time to Switch your Recommendations Engine Provider? You know effective recommendations and online merchandising can connect shoppers with the right product. You likely already have a plugin installed. But many online stores are finding that’s not enough. In…
What We Do…opportunity Search Tools for e-commerce that turn shoppers into buyers by accurately predicting which products they are most likely to buy. Recommendations Put an end to average average order values with our tools. Get extraordinary AOV by delivering…
E-commerce Performance Indicators & Confidence (EPIC) Report Finds 65% of Retailers Sell on Amazon to Increase Sales, Yet Worry Amazon Will Use Their Data to Compete…into buyers and maximizing order values through solutions that improve site search, navigation, mobile, merchandising, personalization, recommendations and SEO. SLI is the most chosen SaaS-based site search provider to Internet Retailer Top 1,000 retailers. The SLI…
5 Personalization Tactics to Leverage in Your E-commerce Strategy…exception but rather the norm. When you entered a department store, the clerk would know your name, remember recent purchases and make personalized shopping recommendations. A few items from the most recent store shipment may have even been held for you because the…
SLI Launches Learning Recommendations Systems’ mission is to accelerate sales for our e-commerce clients by helping their site visitors find the products they want to buy. We’ve done this over the past 12 years by developing and offering advanced site search, navigation, merchandising, mobile and SEO solutions.…
How can I find My Mom?, your business is humming along. Thriving, even. But you’re not content with leveling off – you want to boost your e-commerce conversions even higher. What’s the best way to make that happen? Introducing the recommendation engine.
eCommerce Podcasts
Tammie McKenzie from Cruiser Customizing - Podcast Transcript…what is the third party tool that you use there? Tammie: [7:17] Sure. The third party tool is KickApps. Shaun: [7:19] KickApps. And you would recommend it for other retailers looking for a similar sort of toll? Tammie: [7:26] I would. I think sometimes the…
Steve Groenier from Artbeads - Podcast Transcript…many people click on the recommendations in their entire traffic experience. Shaun: [24:43] And it sort of makes sense, because I suppose if someone's looking for a bead, they don't know exactly what they want. They need to look at a few different things, and a
Dave Baird from Magnet Street - Podcast Transcript…else do you see coming? What other changes are you looking to make? Dave: [18:18] I would say some of the more fun ones are our personalized recommendations will be coming out this fall. Finally, we're just going to have so much more intuitive, "OK, if you purchase…