Search Suggestions
Corporate Site
Rich Autocomplete Search Box Suggestions | SLI Systems…autocomplete search box suggestions and word predictions via fast, visual and dynamic autocomplete drop-down list. Increase E-commerce Sales Showcase the most relevant products for e-commerce with a search suggestion tool and the rest is…
SLI Systems Ranked #1 Cloud-based Search Provider to the IR Top 1000 Online Retailers…Learning Search technology continually “learns” from past site search activity by tracking visitors’ aggregate search queries and click-throughs, so shoppers can quickly find what they are seeking. The company’s full set of features, including…
SLI Launches Learning Recommendations Service to Deliver Highly Relevant Product Suggestions and Boost Online Sales…launch of its first-of-kind Learning Recommendations product, an add-on to its flagship Learning Search site search solution, to give e-commerce companies a way to offer highly appealing product suggestions to online visitors based on shopper behavior…
Some Tips about Page Lay-out…share a few more tips from our new white paper “The Big Book of Site Search Tips” (available for free download). As we mentioned last week, the full paper includes nearly 80 tips and suggestions for ways to make small improvements to your web site search<…
Related search suggestions help visitors home in on products and content…of quickly finding the products or content they need. However, visitors often struggle to figure out exactly what terms they should use in the search box. Auto Complete, which we’ve talked about in the past, shows suggestions as you type into the search<…
eCommerce Podcasts
Tim Ash from Site Tuners - Podcast Transcript…specializes in site search. You can go to site search, and often that's going to be one of your best clues for what's broken with your site and what you can fix. And often, you'll see people typing in terms. And they're typing them in not just because they…
Dave Baird from Magnet Street - Podcast Transcript…were able to go in and see with the term "magnet", what was being searched specifically, keywords that contain the word, "magnet." Shaun: [9:34] Right. Dave: [9:35] And it would tell you, right, how many times that's being searched a month. So all of a…
Raj Lahoti of Online Guru - Podcast Transcript…Or whatever, where the search is becoming more and more as the first step. [21:56] Some of the search engines, though, once the person searches, and then they start saying, OK here's some related searches and maybe suggest this. Here are…