Corporate Site
https://www.sli-systems.com/comparison…champion Here to Help We are committed to supporting SLI customers with a better deployment and operating experience. Since we perform all the data feed preparation and platform integration, our customers’ deployment is never at risk. It’s smooth sailing from there…
SLI Systems Renews Offer to Help Migrate Retailers Using Google Commerce Search to Its Full-Service Learning Search
https://www.sli-systems.com/sli-systems-renews-offer-help-migrate-retailers-using-google-commerce…and no professional services fees. Retailers looking to deploy the SLI solution can do so simply by making their current Google product data feed available to SLI Systems. SLI can build search and navigation pages in just a few weeks with no disruption of service…
totes ISOTONER Adds More to the Bottom Line with Full-Service Site Search from SLI Systems
https://www.sli-systems.com/totes-isotoner-adds-more-bottom-line-full-service-site-search-sli-systems…add banners showcasing the top site search results for the keyword used.” totes ISOTONER is in the process of adding social content such as Twitter feeds, Facebook posts, and YouTube videos to its site search results, providing a richer, more engaging experience…
Bring Social Media Content into Site Search Results to Increase Visibility
https://www.sli-systems.com/blog/bring-social-media-content-into-site-search-results-to-increase-visibility.html…businesses, by now you’ve probably taken the plunge into social media marketing. Maybe you have a company blog, or you’ve created a Facebook page and/or a Twitter feed to help build community – or perhaps you’ve created a YouTube channel for your company and…
eCommerce Podcasts
Steve Elkins from Yarn.com - Podcast Transcript
http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/podcast-transcript-steve-elkins-from-yarnco…business. We used to be 50-50. And we also do a catalog as well. This is a 56-page, full-color catalog that we do four times a year that really feeds the online piece. The consumer is really almost encouraged to take what's in the catalog and go to the online. We…
Bill Cronin of Vermont Teddy Bear - Podcast Transcript
http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/transcript-of-podcast-bill-cronin-of-vermont-teddy-bear…guys. [13:06] But in terms of your Yahoo Store type integration‑‑which you guys have a number of, I understand‑‑we've added some additional feeds to the data feed that comes out of Yahoo Store, so that we can do things like on our PajamaGram store, we…
George Michie from The Rimm Kaufman Group - Podcast Transcript
http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/george-michie-from-the-rimm-kaufman-group-podcast-transcript…not just a bank of 800 numbers. It's tied to the ad itself. [13:26] We have some clients that can pull off the IT necessary to feed us that information. We can feed anything in their system that we need to, to make a client happy but not everybody can do…